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您当前位置:首页 >> Web作业Web作业

日期:2020-03-24 11:13

Practical 1: Non-blocking Web server

Due Friday by 17:00 Points 35 Available until Jun 21 at 23:59

Please Note: Before attempting this practical please study the material on Sockets. pdf

and the tutorials under Week 2 lecture materials I will not be covering socket

programming in the lecture and this is left for you as a learning exercise and part of

practical 3. If you are having a lot of issues with coding, please see the helpful staff at the

Computer Science Learning Center

Learning Outcomes

1. Reading a Protocol Specification

Most of the application layer protocols are relatively simple and text-based. This exercise gets you

to first read the protocol specification(s). The RFC documents are not very typical of a standards

document - they are very compact. They are also somewhat incomplete - they come with a

standard reference implementation which is used to resolve ambiguities in the specification. So

the first learning outcome is the ability to read a protocol specification.

2. Practical Experience with Socket API

The second outcome is some practical experience with using the socket API. This is quite

straightforward in reality, but there are quite a few "not immediately obvious" tricks.

3. Understanding the HTTP

The third learning outcome is a detailed knowledge of the protocol itself. HTTP is simple and not

dissimilar to many other application layer protocols. Once you see how this works, it becomes

much easier to implement other protocols (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, SMTP, for example) and

to add functionality to existing applications ("send this information to a friend")

Note that the focus is not the programming but the protocol. There are generally libraries

available in high-level languages that support HTTP and other protocols. If you were

building a service you would most likely use these libraries rather than working at the

socket layer. However, those libraries hide much of the protocol behavior we are trying to

study, which is our motivation for working at the socket layer.

Acknowledgement: This assignment is Adapted from Kurose & Ross - Computer Networking: a

top-down approach featuring the Internet. It is not the same though so make sure you are

following the specifications and using the provided code from this practical sheet and not the

textbook or website.

CBOK categories: Abstraction, Design, Data & Information, Networking, and Programming.

Submitting your assignment

You will need to keep your files in SVN. If you aren't familiar with SVN, the following SVN notes

will assist you.

The handin key for this practical is <year>/<semester> <year>/<semester>/cna/webserver

You can submit and automatically mark your assignment by following this link

(https://cs.adelaide.edu.au/services/websubmission/) to the web-submission system. Note that this is

just a preliminary test to make sure your Web server meets the basic functionality. It's your

responsibility to ensure it meets the specifications for the methods your are asked to implement in

this practical.

Template files

This practical comes with a skeleton web server and helper methods to reduce complexity.

Download and extract the following zip file into your repository.


We will go through these files in the next section.

The practical is set up so that all code you need will belong inside the comment tags below, where

X ranges from 1 to 11.


In this practical, we will develop a web server. In the end, you will have built a non-blocking web

server that is capable of processing multiple simultaneous service requests in parallel. You should







be able to demonstrate that your Web server is capable of delivering your home page to a web

browser and that your server returns standards compliant responses.

Resources to study

To understand the data that is sent to and from a web server you will need to study the HTTP. Use

the following resources and sections to help you understand the key data points that need to be

sent and received.

RFC 1945 (https://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/users/third/cn/RFCs/rfc1945.txt)

Wireshark HTTP lab quiz

Verbose cUrl command

For the purposes of this practice we will only be looking at HTTP/1.1 and older requests. HTTPS

requests are out of the scope of this practical.

RFC 1945

Most of the application layer protocols are relatively simple and text-based. The RFC documents

are not very typical of a standards document - they are very compact. They are also somewhat

incomplete - they come with a standard reference implementation which is used to resolve

ambiguities in the specification. It is important to be able to read a protocol specification.

For this practical, you will need to understand the lines (text) that gets sent to the server on an

HTTP request, and (at the very least) the first line that is returned. Scan the contents page for the

keywords; request and response.

Wireshark HTTP Lab Quiz

In doing the Wireshark HTTP lab, you would have seen the data that is sent to and from a web

server. There is a lot of extraneous data that is sent which is beyond the scope of this practical.

Identify the key data bits of data.

Food for thought: What data would you change to cause the HTTP request to fail?

Verbose cUrl command

The cUrl command is a command line web request tool. By enabling the -v (verbose) option you

can see the data sent to and from a web server.

The following command is to the URI http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1


1 $ curl -v http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1

In the output above > denotes data sent to the server and < denotes data received from the

server. Study lines 4, 5, 6 and 10 from the above carefully.

Compile and Run

To compile the Web server run:

To run the Web server run:

When you run the program for the first time it will terminate with no output. That is ok for now, we

* Trying


* Connected to jsonplaceholder.typicode.com ( port 80 (#0)

> GET /todos/1 HTTP/1.1

> Host: jsonplaceholder.typicode.com

> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0

> Accept: */*


< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

< Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 23:07:55 GMT

< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

< Content-Length: 83

< Connection: keep-alive

< Set-Cookie: __cfduid=d4765bb5a80e476f748c1625a4b41109d1551136075; expires=Tue, 25-Feb-20

< X-Powered-By: Express

< Vary: Origin, Accept-Encoding

< Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

< Cache-Control: public, max-age=14400

< Pragma: no-cache

< Expires: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 03:07:55 GMT

< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

< Etag: W/"53-hfEnumeNh6YirfjyjaujcOPPT+s"

< Via: 1.1 vegur

< CF-Cache-Status: HIT

< Accept-Ranges: bytes

< Server: cloudflare

< CF-RAY: 4aedd4b8b9ce1d44-MEL



"userId": 1,

"id": 1,

"title": "delectus aut autem",

"completed": false

* Connection #0 to host jsonplaceholder.typicode.com left intact

1 $ gcc helpers.c web_server.c -o web_server

1 $ ./web_server [port]

will fix them in as we go along.

In the following steps, we will go through the code for the first implementation of the Web server in

C. Follow along with the web_server.c file.


Our first implementation of the Web server will be non-blocking, where the processing of each

incoming request will take place inside a separate process. This allows the server to service

multiple clients in parallel, or to perform multiple file transfers to a single client in parallel.

In the code below, this is done with fork() . This creates a new process with a copy of the original

process' variables. Threads can also be used to serve multiple requests in parallel. In this case,

both threads share variables. This is more efficient as a copy doesn't have to be made, but it also

requires care to make sure that both threads don't try to change values at the same time and that

changes happen in the right order. If you are keen to use threads instead, you are welcome to

change the code.

The basic structure of the code is:

The parent code will listen for new connection requests and each time a new connection is

received a child is created and will run code to handle the new connection: reading the HTTP

request and sending an HTTP response on the connection.

The parent will continue separately and go back to the start of the loop accepting further

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


while (true)


if ((pid = fork()) == 0)


/*----------START OF CHILD CODE----------------*/

/* We are now in the child process */


/* All done return to parent */



/*----------END OF CHILD CODE----------------*/

/* Back in parent process

* if child exited, wait for resources to be released


waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG);



The main program starts by defining variables that will be used in the code.

It is important to understand the purpose of each variable.

The server will have two sockets:

1. The listen_socket variable is for the socket that listens and accepts new requests

2. The connection_socket variable is to hold the connection to a client.

It is very important that you send and receive requests on the correct socket.

The response_buffer is just a variable to hold the response that your server will send back to the

client. It is set to the maximum response size which can be changed in the config.h file.

status_code and status_phrase will be used to hold the HTTP response code and phrase that

should be sent back to the client.

Step 1: Create a socket

The first step for the server is to create a socket. You will need to write the code to create the

socket. Be sure to use the correct variable (either listen_socket or connection_socket ).

If you are not sure how to create a socket referer to:

The lecture notes

socket man page $ man 2 socket

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


/* structure to hold server's and client addresses, respectively */

struct sockaddr_in server_address, client_address;

int listen_socket = -1;

int connection_socket = -1;

int port = 0;

/* id of child process to handle request */

pid_t pid = 0;

char response_buffer[MAX_HTTP_RESPONSE_SIZE] = "";

int status_code = -1;

char *status_phrase = "";

Online socket tutorial (https://www.binarytides.com/socket-programming-c-linux-tutorial/)

Specifying the port

Normally, Web servers process service requests that they receive through the well-known port

number 80. You can choose any port higher than 1024, but remember to direct any requests to

your Web server with the corresponding port. The following code sets the port to either the value

typed on the command line, or if no port is given, then the DEFAULT_PORT , which is defined in the

config.h file.

Steps 2 & 3: Binding

/* 1) Create a socket */








/* Check command-line argument for port and extract

* port number if one is specified. Otherwise, use default


if (argc > 1)


/* Convert from string to integer */

port = atoi(argv[1]);






if (port <= 0)


/* Test for legal value */

fprintf(stderr, "bad port number %d\n", port);



Next, you need to bind the socket you created to the port and network interfaces that it should

listen to. You will need to write the code to set the correct values in the server_address structure

and call bind() to bind the address information to the socket.

The memset function makes sure that serv_addr doesn't have any values in it (i.e. it will clear the

data structure so that it contains all 0's).

See $ man 2 bind for how to use the bind() method

See https://linux.die.net/man/7/ip (https://linux.die.net/man/7/ip) on how to set the values in


Steps 4 & 5: Listening

The server should now start listening for a TCP connection request on the socket. Once it is

listening, it can begin accepting connections. Because we will be servicing request messages

indefinitely, we place the accept request operation inside of an infinite loop. This means we will

have to terminate the Web server by pressing ^C (Ctrl-C) on the keyboard.

/* 2) Set the values for the server address structure */




/* 3) Bind the socket to the address information set in server_address */




You need to add the code to make the socket listen and to accept a connection.

the accept method will block until a connection is made.

See $ man 2 listen and $ man 2 accept for how to use the listen() and accept() methods

Handling a connection

When a connection request is received, we create a child process to handle the request in a

separate process and close any sockets the child is not using (remember the child gets a copy of

the sockets. Closing the child socket does not close the parent's copy only it's own copy).

After the child has started execution, the main (parent) process closes its copy of the connected

socket and returns to the top of the request processing loop to accept another connection. The

main process will then block, waiting for another TCP connection request, while the child continues

running. When another TCP connection request is received, the main process goes through the

same process of child process creation regardless of whether the previous child has finished

execution or is still running.

Note the wait() call below allows the system to free up resources from the child when a child

exits. If no child has exited, wait() with NOHANG returns immediately.

/* 4) Start listening for connections */




/* Main server loop

* Loop while the listen_socket is valid


while (listen_socket >= 0)


/* 5) Accept a connection */




/* Fork a child process to handle this request */

if ((pid = fork()) == 0)

Step 6: Reading the request

Once we have closed the listen_socket in the child process, we create an http_request structure

which will be used to store the information about the HTTP request, such as it's method and URI

and pass this structure to the helper function Parse_HTTP_Request() . This helper will read the

request from the given socket and fill in the http_request structure for you. The interface

information about the helper functions is in the file helpers.h and the file helpers.c contains the

implementation. Note that we have provided these to help you and are not supposed to be an

exhaustive list of functions required to complete the practical. However, most of what you

need is given to you in these helper files so the helper files tries to make this practical

much easier for you by doing most of the hard work for you.

new_request will now be filled with the method and URI that the client sent.

/*----------START OF CHILD CODE----------------*/

/* We are now in the child process */

/* Close the listening socket

* The child process does not need access to listen_socket


if (close(listen_socket) < 0)


fprintf(stderr, "child couldn't close listen socket\n");




/* All done return to parent */



/*----------END OF CHILD CODE----------------*/


/* if child exited, wait for resources to be released */

waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG);

/* See httpreq.h for definition */

struct http_request new_request;

/* 6) call helper function to read the request

* this will fill in the struct new_request for you

* see helper.h and httpreq.h





Closing the connection

Finally, the child is finished and can close any sockets it still has open and exit.

Now we are ready to connect to a browser.

Connecting to a browser

After your program successfully compiles, run it with an available port number (e.g. 8080, 9000,

etc), and try contacting it from a browser.

Enter http://localhost:[port]/index.html into the address bar of your browser, replacing [port]

with the port number for your Web server and press enter. The browser will display an error

because our Web server has accepted the request, closed the connection and not sent anything

/* Back in parent process

* Close parent's reference to connection socket,

* then back to top of loop waiting for next request


if (connection_socket >= 0)


if (close(connection_socket) < 0)


fprintf(stderr, "closing connected socket failed\n");




/* if child exited, wait for resources to be released */

waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG);


In the terminal (that is running your Web server) the server should display the contents of the

HTTP request message.

Step 7: Parsing HTTP Request

Instead of simply displaying the browser's HTTP request message, we will analyze the request

and send an appropriate response. We are going to ignore the information in the header lines, and

use only the path contained in the request line.

You now need to write code that will decide, based on the results from Parse_HTTP_Request() , what

the status_code and status_phrase variables should be set to for the response.

Your server is required to handle and return the correct status code and phrase for Your server is required to handle and return the correct status code and phrase for

Waiting connection on port 8080...

received request: GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

Host: localhost:8080

Connection: keep-alive

Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br

Accept-Language: en-AU,en;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8

Method is: GET

URI is: /index.html

version is: HTTP/1.1

Sending response line:

the following situations the following situations:

1. The requested resource is found

2. The requested resource is not found

3. The requested method isn't implemented (your server will only implement GET and HEAD


4. The client sent an invalid request

Look in the RFC 1945 (https://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/users/third/cn/RFCs/rfc1945.txt) specification

to work out the most suitable status code and phrase.

You can use the -X [method] option in cUrl to run web requests on your Web server.

Fill in the code needed at:

Having determined the appropriate response, we can now send the response header. Check the

HTTP response format to make sure you fill this in correctly!

Step 8: Formatting the response

Step 9: Sending the response

Now we can send the status line and our header lines to the browser by writing to the socket. Be

sure you send to the correct socket.

1 $ curl -v -X GET localhost:8080/index.html

/* 7) Decide which status_code and reason phrase to return to client */




/* 8) Set the reply message to the client

* Copy the following line and fill in the ??

* sprintf(response_buffer, "HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n", ??, ??);



sprintf(response_buffer, "HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n", ??, ??);


printf("Sending response line: %s\n", response_buffer);

/* 9) Send the reply message to the client

* Copy the following line and fill in the ??

* send(??, response_buffer, strlen(response_buffer), 0);



Steps 10 & 11: Preparing a HTTP Response

Now that the status line has been placed on the socket on its way to the browser, it is time to do

the same with the response headers and the entity body. We need to decide whether or not an

entity body should be returned.

You will need to understand the difference between GET and HEAD.

We can use the helper methods Is_Valid_Resource() to see if the requested file exists. If the

requested file does exist, we can call helper function Send_Resource() to send the Content-Length

header and the file contents on the socket (see helpers.h for how to use Is_Valid_Resource()

and Send_Resource() ).

After sending the entity body, the work in the child has finished, so we close the socket before


Running the Web server

When you have completed all the steps correctly your web browser will be able to respond with a

message when running http://localhost:[port]/index.html

send(??, response_buffer, strlen(response_buffer), 0);




bool is_ok_to_send_resource = false;

/* 10) Send resource (if requested) under what condition will the

* server send an entity body?



is_ok_to_send_resource = ...


if (is_ok_to_send_resource)


Send_Resource(connection_socket, new_request.URI);




/* 11) Do not send resource

* End the HTTP headers

* Copy the following line and fill in the ??

* send(??, "\r\n\r\n", strlen("\r\n\r\n"), 0);



send(??, "\r\n\r\n", strlen("\r\n\r\n"), 0);


Prac 1: Web Proxy (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

1.0 pts

4.0 pts

You should also make sure that your Web server will work with HEAD and other requests. You

may use the cUrl command to test your web server.

Last Words

We have only coded the very basics of a web server. There is a lot of missing, for instance, we do

not return the content type of the file, we don't return an entity body when there is an error (which

means nothing will be displayed in the browser when an error occurs). If you have extra time, look

at implementing some of these.

This completes the code for the second phase of development of your Web server. Try adding

some web pages or text files to the RESOURCE_PATH directory (the RESOURCE_PATH directory is

defined in config.h ) Create this directory where you are running the server and try viewing your

files with a browser. Remember to include a port specified in the URL of your home page, so that

your browser doesn't try to connect to the default port 80.

When you connect to the running web server with the browser, examine the GET message

requests that the web server receives from the browser. You can use a tool called telnet to check

that your server responds correctly to HEAD requests.

Successful compilation of code based on the skeleton provided.

If your server crashes for reasons that are not due to a failure of the

websubmission system (for example submitting solutions that are not

tested on the University Linus image or with inadequate amount of testing

and with software bugs), we will perform no further manual inspections or

testing and you will receive an automatic ZERO for the whole assignment.

1.0 pts

Server started up successfully

If your server crashes for reasons that are not due to a failure of the

websubmission system (for example submitting solutions that are not

tested on the University Linus image or with inadequate amount of testing

and with software bugs), we will perform no further manual inspections or

4.0 pts

testing and you will receive an automatic ZERO for the whole assignment.

Server acceptance of client request for html file and correct response 5.0 pts

Correct server behaviour for a request for non existent file 5.0 pts


Correct server behaviour to a HEAD method 5.0 pts

Correct server behaviour to an unimplemented method 5.0 pts

Correct sever behaviour for a bad request 5.0 pts

Server successfully handles multiple requests (non-blocking) 5.0 pts

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