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日期:2019-05-24 11:13

KIT202 Semester 1, 2018



Our Client - Y.E.O.M (Your Excellent On-time Meals) Pty Ltd


Y.E.O.M. Pty. Ltd. has bought out Lazenbys, The Ref and The Trade Table at University of Tasmania

(UTas). In discussion with the staff and students at UTas, it was discovered that the biggest

complaint was having to wait in long queues during peak times when they have just a short time to

get a meal or beverage.

To address this issue, it has been decided to develop a web site where food and drink can be preordered

and pre-paid so that clients can quickly collect their meals.


Each café will have its own menu displayed by the system.

There will be a “Master List of Food & Beverages”. This list will contain the ONLY items that may

appear on a menu.

Each café manager will be responsible for selecting items from the “Master List of Food & Beverages”

that will appear on their cafes menu (i.e. the manager for The Ref can select items to appear on the

menu for The Ref, but NOT for Lazenbys or The Trade Table menus).

The Director of The Board will be responsible for security access for the Board Members.

The Board Members of Y.E.O.M.:

will control what will be available at the UTas cafes, so will be the only people who can create

and modify the master list of food and drinks.

will be responsible for employment and security access at the cafes.

Each café will have at least 2 staff members (numbers are determined by a Board Member), one of

whom will be assigned (by a Board Member) to be that cafes manager. Staff and managers can be

rostered to work at any café, but there can be only one manager at each café at a time.

To use the online menu system, UTas staff and students must first register by providing their Name,

Student/Staff ID, E-mail address, mobile phone number, credit card details and password. After

registering, an e-mail will be sent to the users e-mail that contains a link that is used to confirm

registration (for the purposes of testing you should use your own e-mail account).

Payment for menu items will come from a pre-paid account. All users will have an account created

at registration that they must deposit funds into to purchase items from a menu (i.e. like the caps

printing system).

When ordering from a menu, users will be able to add comments to any item ordered. This will be

to specify any item specifics e.g. if ordering coffee, a description of the type of coffee may be supplied

such as “large soy latte +3 sugars”. Each menu is for the following day.

User ID Ranges:

User Type ID format (CCnnnn)

Director of the Board DBnnnn (e.g. DB2123)

Board Members BMnnnn (e.g. BM0234)

Café Managers CMnnnn (e.g. CM3122)

Café Staff CSnnnn (e.g. CS1898)

KIT202 Semester 1, 2018


UTas Students USnnnn (e.g. US3212)

UTas Employees UEnnnn (e.g. UE1234)


Planning the site.

Plan a site overall in the first place is a crucial step to construct a site. Understand the client’s

needs and plan accordingly. For example, planning a design theme for the site with variations

of the theme that may be used for sub sections is a recommendation.

Develop using the appropriate tools.

HTML 5 for static content.

CSS for formatting.

JavaScript, Ajax and jQuery for client-side interactivity.

PHP for dynamic content and server-side interactivity.

MySQL for data storage and retrieval.

Apply consistent structure.

The files needed for the web site will be included in a single folder (directory) - the name of

this folder is the same as your alacritas username. The files must be organized into sensibly

chosen sub-folders (i.e. sub-folder for CSS or sub-folder for images, etc.).

All semantic structure of the website is controlled by “HTML”. Pay close attention to the

elements that you use - make sure that you use the most appropriate element for the kind of

text you are marking up.

All layout and other details of the appearance of the website are controlled by valid CSS

(Cascading Style Sheets) rules. You place the overall CSS rules in an external style sheet.

All client side behavior of the website (the response to mouse clicking or keyboard reaction)

are controlled by valid JavaScript / Ajax / jQuery.

All data is stored in the MySQL database.

KIT202 Semester 1, 2018


Description of Task – Part 1 (15%)


This is the starting / entry point to the café menu system which will have:

links to each of the café menus.

A link to a registration page.

login/logout section.

For Assignment 1 (Part 1) the login/logout section does not need to authenticate a user, it just needs

to change the security state/level (i.e. no database access is required).


This is where new users can register to use the system. Further details are in the DETAILS section


Proper input validation must be applied at this point including:

double entry password check

password is:

o 6 to 12 characters in length

o Contains at least 1 lower case letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number and one of the

following special characters ~ ! # $

Café staff and managers do not register, they are added to the system by a Board Member. Once

added to the system, café staff can also use the menu system to order food and beverages.

For Part 1 the registration page does not need to store the registration data (i.e. no database access

is required).


It will display:

The opening and closing times of the café,

the list of food and beverage items available at that café,

their cost and an initial associated order quantity of 0 (zero).

If a user is not logged in, they can only view the menu items. The comment and quantity fields for

each item cannot be viewed, and an order cannot be submitted.

If a user is logged in, they can view a menu and change any items quantity and submit it as an order.

For Part 1 the café menu page does not need to store a submitted order (i.e. no database access is



This is where a Board Member creates, edits or removes items in the list of food and beverages that

will be available for selection by the café managers to use in their menus.

A Board Member also allocates the purchase price for each item and sets the date that the menu

applies to.

For Part 1 the master food and beverage list page does not need to store any changes to the list or

the items in it (i.e. no database access is required).

KIT202 Semester 1, 2018


Description of Task – Part 2a (20%)


For Part 2 the login/logout section WILL need to authenticate a user (i.e. database access IS



For Part 2 the registration page WILL need to store the registration data (i.e. database access IS



It will display a total cost of all items selected to be ordered.

It will display a user’s account balance which will decrease or increase in value as menu items are

added or removed from an order.

There must be an order collection time selected from a drop-down list. All order collection times will

be on the quarter hour e.g. 8:30am,10:45am,12:30pm. All order collection times must be at least 30

minutes after opening and at least 60 minutes before closing.

It will not allow a user to order more than their account balance can pay for.

For Part 2 the café menu page WILL need to store a submitted order and update a user’s account

balance as required (i.e. database access IS required).


This page can only be accessed while a user is logged in.

Here a user can view their account balance and deposit more funds.

For Part 2 the user account page WILL need to retrieve and update a user’s account details as

required (i.e. database access IS required).


This page can only be accessed while the café manager is logged in.

Here the café manager can add or remove items from the menu and can change the café opening

and closing times. Opening and closing times must be on the quarter hour.



users can change their password, mobile number or e-mail address,

a Board Member can

o add or remove café staff,

o allocate café staff to be managers,

o allocate staff to a café.


For Part 2 the master food & beverage list page WILL need to modify the list of food and beverages

that will be available for selection by the café managers to use in their menus (i.e. database access

IS required).


This page is only available to the café staff and café manager, and lists all orders and the order

details placed. Only the current days orders will be visible.

KIT202 Semester 1, 2018


Description of Task – Part 2b Additional Features (5%)

Part 2b Additional Features is self-directed learning and as such there will not be any formal

instruction on how to achieve it – you will need to conduct your own research and self-study.

To attempt the last 5 marks, the following 8 attributes/features must be applied to Part 1 and Part 2a

of the assignment (0.625 marks for each).

You are advised not to attempt these modifications until you have achieved a fully featured and

correctly functioning website that meets all of the Part 1 and Part 2a criteria.

1. Order discounts will apply:

User Discount

Director of the Board 100%

Board Members 80%

Café managers 15%

Café staff 10%

UTas Students 7%

UTas Employees 0%

2. All order totals are rounded to the nearest cent (i.e. a student order totalling $15.50 gets a

discount of $1.085 making the new order total $14.415, which would be recorded/processed

as $14.42

3. Challenge response is required for registration.

4. Forgot password feature is required.

5. Can top up account balance during an order and not lose the order details.

6. Pictures of users, food and beverages will be stored and displayed in appropriate areas.

Note: There is a storage limit in alacritas. Be careful not to exceed the allowance.

7. A basic Responsive layout is required (i.e. layout, text and image proportions are maintained

when the screen is resized).

8. Email addresses must have a valid format where for our purposes:

a. there is a local part followed by an @ symbol followed by a domain part,

b. there are no spaces,

c. the local part may be up to 64 characters long,

d. the domain part may have a maximum of 255 characters,

e. the local part contains only the ascii characters a to z, A to Z, the integer characters

0 to 9 and the special ascii characters !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~;,

f. the local part may contain the “.” (period) character but may not start or end with it

and may not have 2 consecutive period characters,

g. the domain part contains only the ascii characters a to z, A to Z and the integer

characters 0 to 9 and the special ascii character the hyphen “–“,

h. the domain part must have at least one period character but may not start or end with

it and may not have 2 consecutive period characters.

KIT202 Semester 1, 2018


Due Date

Part 1: 3PM Monday 26 March 2018 (Week 5 of semester)

Part 2a & 2b: 3PM Monday 28 May 2018 (Week 13 of semester)

Submission method

Submission will be via MyLO. You will submit a .zip file which must include all the files for your


By submitting this assignment, you will be deemed to have agreed to the following declaration:

I declare that all material in this assignment is my own work except where there is clear

acknowledgement or reference to the work of others. I am aware that my assignment may be

submitted to plagiarism detection software, and might be retained on its database. I have read and

complied with the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity on the University

website at www.utas.edu.au/plagiarism. I will keep a copy of this assignment until results have been


Marking Information

This assignment will be marked out of 40 and will constitute 40% of your overall assessment (i.e. 1

mark equals 1% of your overall mark).

PLEASE NOTE: This assignment constitutes/replaces the Assignment 1 and Assignment 2

components as detailed in the “Unit Assessment” section in this courses “Unit Outline”.

Your submitted work will be marked on the alacritas server by using the Google Chrome browser. If

you use your computer or your own server to develop the assignment, please test your work in the

alacritas server using the Google Chrome browser before submission. If your work does not work

properly in the alacritas server or the same version of a browser in our lab, the work will not

be marked.

Marking Scheme will be available soon.

Late Submissions

Late assignments will only be accepted if the proper procedures have been followed as outlined in

the School of Engineering and ICT School Policy (same as Discipline of ICT of School of TED) for

Late Assessment (see the link below). Assignments that are submitted late without Lecturer’s

approval will be subject to mark penalties as outlined in the School of Engineering and ICT School

Policy for Late Assessment.

The Application for extension of time for in-semester assessment is available from the ICT office or

may be downloaded from the link below. Requests must be accompanied by suitable documentation

and should be submitted before the assignment due date.


Policy for Late Assessment - Available Here

Application for extension of time for in-semester assessment Available Here


Practical assignments are used by the Discipline of ICT for students to both reinforce and

demonstrate their understanding of material which has been presented in class. They have a role

both for assessment and for learning. It is a requirement that work you hand in for assessment is

substantially your own. Refer to the unit outline for further information.

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